Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mrs. Mallard Facebook Post

The Story of an Hour
Post 1: I have been told by my doctor that I have heart troubles. Please keep me in your thoughts.
Post 2: A day that I will never forget, my husband was killed in the train accident.
Post 3: I am so alone, not happy, and heart broken.
Post 4: Out my window it is beginning to look like spring. Pretty blue sky. The smell of rain in the air.
Post 5: Free free free!
Post 6: I have no one to live for. I shall live for myself.
Post 7: I loved him!
Post 8: Free! Body and soul free!
Post 9: I am not making myself ill.
Post 10: My life is such a train wreck. 


  1. I enjoy the picture and the way you arranged the facebook works for a faux project

  2. i really enjoyed this post you did a great job portaying the character !!!

  3. Isn't it interesting that, in a handful of Facebook posts, there might be a short story waiting (and vice versa, of course!)?
